Ayurveda (The Science of healthy living), a centuries old traditional system of health care, is an evidence based science and one of the oldest medical discipline. Ayurveda is a complete system which emphasizes living in harmony with the environment. Ayurveda is the synthesis of Ayur- meaning ‘life’ and Veda meaning – ‘knowledge’. Ayurveda, the Science of Life , based on strong pillar of positive health, is a holistic approach to total healthcare by means of preventive & curative medicine to maintain complete internal-milieu (dhatusamaya), ‘Homeo-stasis’ or equilibrium of the various dhatus. It insists on the pro-host approach: “Strengthening the body defense system to fight infection”. Ayurveda emphasizes mainly on prevention of illnesses and maintenance of health. Relevance of science of Ayurveda, as applied to animal health, can be traced back to Mahabharata. Herbal medicine is today a valid & proven science, with great potential for integration with allopathic medicine to the benefit of human & animal health. Recently Ayurveda has been documented and practiced on animals not only for treating them but also to improve their productivity, for prevention & treatment of diseases as integrated approach with complementary medicine. Holistic approach is to offer the livestock a balanced approach to health care, offering the best of both conventional or natural and complementary medicine. Prevention is always better than cure. Ayurveda or Ethnoveterinary practices offers managemental approach for sustainable livestock production, control of diseases and improving farm profitability. Ayurvedic preparations incorporate ingredients derived from plant origin. The plant materials have been scientifically evaluated to testify the ancient wisdom blended with modern scientific precision & technology validating their usage for animal & human health care to achieve health, wellness & maximum productivity from livestock. Emergence of the resistant pathogenic strains against antibiotics & deadly chemicals coupled with ever growing concerns of toxicity & environmental contamination has lead to scientific & technological advancement in last few decades, reviving the interest of modern scientist & health care practitioners in herbals.
To be sustainable, livestock sector growth needs to simultaneously address key environmental, social, and economic challenges: growing natural resources scarcity, climate change, widespread poverty, food insecurity and global threats to animal and human health. In next 30 years: the demand for livestock products will continue to grow, and it will become increasingly challenging to meet that demand. It is estimated that there will be significant increase in the demand for energy and natural resources. Agriculture, particularly livestock production, accounts for a major share of these resource-use dynamics, as rising income levels tend to shift dietary patterns towards increased milk, meat and egg consumption. An estimated 70 percent of the world’s rural poor, whose livelihoods depend on livestock. The use of ethnoveterinary and phyto-therapeutic remedies in veterinary medicine has gained interest, among other reasons, due to increasing demands on the quality of meat and milk products such as the requirements for producing organic food goods. The use of medicinal plants and phyto-ingredients in the treatment of diseases as well as for increasing the productivity of livestock and poultry has generated renewed interest in recent times, as herbal preparations are increasingly being used in Livestock healthcare practices.
Indian Herbs Specialities Ltd. is the pioneer and the global market leader in herbal animal healthcare industry since 1951. The company has made a significant contribution in development of innovative products for enhancing livestock health. Our passion and dedication to improve animal healthcare by providing innovative, safe and environment friendly animal healthcare solutions, keeps us at the forefront of scientific discovery and innovation. With the holistic approach of ‘Traditional Glory & Modern Science’, Indian Herbs is dedicated to transform ‘Herbalism’ into a ‘Dynamic, scientifically validated and evidence based science’. The applications of high-technology oriented advanced hyphenated techniques in our R&D serve as a rapid tool in unravelling the hidden medicinal benefits of bioactives, phytomolecules and phyto-pharmaceuticals. Indian Herbs R&D is equipped with advanced instrumentation (GC MS, HPLC, HPTLC, atomic absorption spectro-photometry etc.) to rigorously pursue quality control by phyto-analytical profiling and herbal standardization. Product scientific validation and efficacy trials are carried in collaboration with world-class universities and premier research institutes viz. University of Georgia USA, CESAN, Centre of Alternative Nutrition, France, Vet Med Vienna, IPMT, TANUVAS, MAFSU, India and many more. Over the last seven decades, more than 1250 research articles on Indian Herbs’ products have been published in various national and international scientific journals of high repute. With a re-affirmation of our vision and following a path to sustainability and global well-being, Indian Herbs is committed to support animal healthcare industry and esteemed customers by all means.

17+ years of experience in Business Development, Sales, and Marketing in the Livestock, Commodity, Animal Health, and Aqua Industry. Expertise in marketing strategies, feed formulations, quality control, and poultry production. Successfully established poultry feed manufacturing units in Bangladesh and Vietnam, handling technical services across Asia, the Middle East and North Africa.