• Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder
  • Animunin Powder

Animunin Powder

For Maintaining Normal Respiratory Functions and Optimum Production Performance

In the modern intensive farming the incidence of respiratory diseases has increased in poultry and farm animals, due to close proximity and lesser biosecurity. The occasional use of therapeutic strength of tylosin or tiamulin etc or regular use of such in-feed antibiotic or anti-mycoplasmal drugs in low strength as growth promoters though helps to reduce and keep the microbial load at sub-clinical level to prevent CRD, they do not provide satisfactory resolution of the problem, due to resistance development, residue problems and associated side effects. Moreover, the sub-clinical infection also significantly affects production performance of the birds and animals. Therefore, it has become necessary to adopt more appropriate and safe methods to keep mycoplasma and bacteria under control on continuous basis to maintain normal respiratory functions. Animunin is a natural substitute and alternate to conventional antibiotic therapy to treat respiratory diseases. Animunin is recommended for both prevention and therapeutics of respiratory mycoplasmal, bacterial, viral infections. Animunin helps to keep respiratory tract clean and optimally functional. Phyto-bioactives of Animunin comprises of natural antiseptic, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, demulcent, decongestant, expectorant and respiratory stimulant property. On basis of scientific research and clinical trials, it is well proven that Animunin can completely replace antibiotics for treatment of respiratory disorders in poultry and swine. In healthy birds, Animunin is recommended as a prophylactic regimen and have additional benefits of better feed efficiency and strengthened body defense and respiratory innate immunity to prevent any pathogen colonization.


1 Kg

25 Kg


Poultry : 750 gm per ton of feed.

Swine : 750 gm per ton of feed.


• To maintain normal respiratory health and functions and also improve F.C.R., along with optimum egg production in commercial layers and breeders and higher growth in broilers and farm animals, particularly when environmental conditions are likely to challenge respiratory functions e.g. change in weather, cold environment, weaning of young animals and during susceptible period of 4 to 10 weeks of age in chicks.

• To keep the respiratory system clean and optimally functional, free from mucus build up and least prone to respiratory problems, for easy breathing and optimum oxygen uptake by the lungs.

• To maintain respiratory functions and optimum production performance when farm can not be kept completely free from allergens, microbes and other challenging factors.

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What is Animunin poultry medicine used for?

Animunin is used to support normal respiratory functions and enhance overall poultry health. Animunin Powder helps maintain clear airways, reducing respiratory stress caused by infections or environmental factors. It also promotes optimum production performance, ensuring better growth, egg production, and disease resistance in poultry.

What is aspergillosis in poultry?

Aspergillosis in poultry is a fungal respiratory disease caused by Aspergillus species, leading to breathing difficulties, weight loss, and reduced production. It spreads through contaminated feed, litter, or poor ventilation. Animunin Powder helps maintain normal respiratory function, supporting poultry health and optimum production performance.

What does enrofloxacin treat in poultry?

Enrofloxacin is an antibiotic used in poultry to treat bacterial infections such as respiratory diseases, colibacillosis, and mycoplasmosis. While it combats infections, maintaining respiratory health is essential. Animunin Powder supports normal respiratory functions and enhances optimum production performance, helping poultry recover and thrive.

What are the symptoms of poultry fever?

Poultry fever symptoms include respiratory distress, coughing, nasal discharge, lethargy, reduced feed intake, and decreased egg production. It may be caused by bacterial or viral infections affecting respiratory health. Animunin Powder helps maintain normal respiratory functions and supports optimum production performance, aiding in poultry recovery.

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