• OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv
  • OptiLiv


Hepatogenic Hepa to protective and Hepatic Stimulan

OptiLiv is a scientifically developed hepatogenic, hepato-protective and hepatic stimulant for safe and effective treatment of diffuse diseases of liver and liver dysfunction. It also has unique Antioxidant, Choleretic, Digestive and Appetite stimulant properties. Anti-inflammatory, Hepatitis virus neutraliser, Enzymatic and Pro-haematinic actions further enhance its usefulness in liver disorders. OptiLiv is available in concentrated form for prompt and sustained action.


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60 Capsule

Supplementation Regimen

Adults 1 capsule once daily


To maintain appetite and digestion and to protect the liver with unavoidable use of hepatotoxic drugs such as antibiotics, sulphonamides, anti-tubercular medications, thiazide diuretics, cholesterol reducing and anti-ulcer drugs and ACE inhibitors etc.

As a liver protective in chronic or occasional alcohol drinkers. During convalescence after any disease, debility, general weakness and anaemia particularly refractory anaemia.

In the infective or chronic active hepatitis, diffuse diseases of the liver such as enlarged or fatty liver, early adult or childhood cirrhosis and dyspepsia, anorexia, functional dysphagia with appetite loss, aphthous ulcers and loss of appetite induced by chemical drugs such as anti-malarias, quinolones, antibiotics etc.

As adjuvant in treatment of malnutrition and as a daily health supplement.

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