• Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder
  • Zeecox Powder

Zeecox Powder

Multistage phytogenic anticoccidial.

ZeeCox is powerful multistage phytogenic anticoccidial for prevention of coccidiosis and to prevent litter oocyst recycling. ZeeCox is a benchmark product to successfully replace ionophores and can be part of shuttle or rotation program


10 KG

25 KG


Broilers : 750g – 1kg/ton of feed or as advised by
poultry consultant

Layers : 500g/ton of feed or as advised by poultry


To increase farm profitability by preventing the incidence of coccidia infections and mortality

To control production of coccidia oocyst and check recontamination

To control development of all endogenous stages of life cycle of coccidian for their effective control

To maintain natural immunity of birds against coccidian protozoa

Helps in post coccidia recovery of gut health and to prevent necrotic enteritis.

To improve survival rate along with higher growth rate, feed conversion efficiency and egg production in layers

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What are anticoccidial feed additives in poultry?

Anticoccidial feed additives help prevent and control coccidiosis, a parasitic disease affecting poultry's intestines. These additives enhance gut health, improve immunity, and support growth.

What is the feed additive for coccidiosis?

An anticoccidial feed additive is used to prevent and control coccidiosis, a parasitic disease affecting poultry's intestines. These additives support gut health and immunity. Zeecox Powder, a multistage phytogenic anticoccidial feed additive, offers natural protection against coccidiosis, promoting better digestion and poultry performance.

What are anticoccidial drugs?

Anticoccidial drugs are used to prevent and treat coccidiosis, a parasitic disease affecting poultry's intestines. They help control the spread of Eimeria parasites, improving gut health and growth.

What is anti-coccidiosis in poultry?

Anti-coccidiosis in poultry refers to measures taken to prevent and control coccidiosis, a parasitic disease affecting the intestines. It includes using vaccines, biosecurity practices, and anticoccidial feed additives to improve gut health.

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