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Improving broiler meat quality with phytogenic feed supplement - LivoLiv 250

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    In the 21 Century, the poultry industry has risen to the challenges of growing animal protein demand to feed a hungry world. More emphasis than ever before is now placed on global food security. The demand for poultry meat and eggs, produced under high animal welfare standards is increasing. Consumer of 21 Century is more vigilant to food quality and to make right choice and preference of food with high nutritional value. Chicken meat is considered as an easily available source of high quality protein and other nutrients.

    In this scenario, poultry meat quality research is increasingly important to industry. Indian Herbs Specialities Pvt. Ltd., Saharanpur,

    India took the initiative to evaluate efficacy of phytogenic feed supplements on broiler meat quality.  This article reports about efficacy of supplementing phytogenic growth promoter and liver tonic (LivoLiv 250) in improving meat quality attributes of chicken.


    Chicken is important in human nutrition, being an excellent source of high quality protein, vitamins and minerals.  Raw and cooked meat quality is of immense consideration to consumers in present scenario. Meat quality refers to overall meat characteristics including its physical, chemical, morphological, biochemical, microbial, sensory, technological, hygienic, nutritional and culinary properties (Jahan et al., 2005). The ISO definition of quality is "the totality of features and characteristics of a product that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs" (ISO, 1986). Quality aspects of meat also include food safety, sensory quality, animal welfare and sustainability of production (Dransfield et al., 2005). The appearance, texture, juiciness, wateriness, firmness, tenderness, odor and flavor are among important and perceptible meat features that influence the initial and final quality judgment by consumers before and after purchasing a meat product (Cross et al. 1986). Furthermore, for processors, manufacturing value added meat products, quantifiable properties of meat such as water holding capacity, drip loss, cook loss, pH, shelf life, protein solubility, cohesiveness and fat binding capacity are indispensable to acquire excellent functional properties that will ensure a final product of exceptional quality and profitability (Allen et al. 1998). 

    Consumers, with increasing health consciousness, are becoming more aware of the nutritional value of the foods they eat (John et al. 2016). Improving consumer health and nutritional status by enhancing nutritional profile of broiler meat through dietary approaches is relatively simple and economic method. Whether or not a poultry product meets the consumer’s expectations depends upon how you are rearing your flock and what the birds are consuming. The diet of poultry influences the meat quality greatly in terms of sensory acceptability, nutritive value and in turn human health (Northcutt 2009). 

    Poultry industry has adopted strategies and measures to develop consumer desired meat sensorial and quality attributes. A variety of nutritional strategies are continuously being tested to improve the meat quality of broilers. The use of additives can contribute to improving animal performance and meat quality parameters. One of these alternatives is the supplementation of phytogenics, nanoparticles, antioxidants and other alternate supplements in the diet of broiler chickens (Fletcher et al., 2002). There has been resurgence of interests for "all natural" medicinal plants like herbal feed additives, plant extracts with growth, flavour, colour enhancing, antioxidant and antibacterial activities (Alliani et al, 2002). Herbal formulations have proved useful in increase in weight gain and less meat: bone ratio beyond doubt. A group of researchers reported about the effects of supplementation of poultry with Andrographis, Emblica, Picrorhiza , Withania and any other herbs  on chicken carcass qualities (Jamroz et al., 2003). However, there is dearth of data on efficacy of supplementing herbal liver tonic on chicken carcass and meat quality traits.

    The present study was undertaken to evaluate efficacy of herbal liver tonic (LivoLiv 250) on meat quality attributes in chicken. LivoLiv 250 is phytogenic liver tonic formulation with 4-in-1 benefits of hepato-protective, heapto-regenerative, digestive and metabolic stimulant.    LivoLiv 250 provides protection to liver, improves integrity of hepatocytes, optimises liver function, improves digestion, metabolisation and nutrients utilization thereby improving overall production and performance indices in broilers. Further to the known and scientifically validated benefits of LivoLiv 250, it is evaluated for its effect on meat quality attributes in chicken.

    Trial Summary

    A trial was organized to determine the effect of herbal growth promoter and liver tonic Livoliv 250 on performance, carcass characteristics, the chemical composition of breast muscles and selected meat quality parameters in broiler chicken. The experiment was performed at Dept. of Livestock Production Technology, Udgir, Maharashtra, India (Devangare et al., 2022). 80 cobb 500 day old broiler chicks were randomly allocated to two groups, control and treatment of four replicates in each group. Both experimental group birds were fed with standard basal ration. Treatment group birds were supplemented Livoliv 250@250g/ton of feed 0-6 weeks. The data collected were subjected to one-way ANOVA according to the general linear procedure of SPSS. 

    LivoLiv 250 improved performance in broilers: A statistical analysis revealed that Livoliv 250 had a beneficial influence on average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), physico-chemical meat quality, proximate composition of meat, meat texture and instrumental colour profile. FCR in treated birds was 1.56 as compared to 1.58 in control group. 

    LivoLiv 250 improved Lean meat production: Proximate analysis of meat revealed significantly higher protein and ash content (23.22g & 2.13 %) in Livoliv 250 supplemented chicken than control (21.15g and 1.32%). Livoliv 250 supplementation is found to be efficacious to increase protein in chicken and thereby lean meat production. The findings of this trial are in concomitance with other studies. Researchers reported major components of raw poultry meat are proteins, lipids and minerals at proportions between 18.4 and 23.4%, 1.3 and 6.0%, 0.8 and 2.2% respectively (Culioli et al2003). 

    LivoLiv 250 improved meat quality attributes:  Meat obtained from broilers fed with LivoLiv 250 had higher moisture, protein and lower fat than meat obtained from control birds. Texture profile analysis exhibited advantage of supplementing herbal liver tonic to improve hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness and springiness of meat as compared to chicken of control group.

    pH : After slaughtering the birds, lactic acid production occurs due to lack of oxygen supply resulting into decline of pH which can lead to protein denaturation, loss of protein solubility and in an overall reduction of reactive groups available for water binding on muscle proteins (Wismer-Perdersen 1986). Significant decline in pH is evident in the non-treated control group (5.62) carcass. However, supplementation of herbal liver tonic optimized  pH value at 6.03. This conforms efficacy of LivoLiv 250 to prevent meat protein denaturation and to improve meat keeping quality.

    Water Holding capacity (WHC):  Supplementing herbal liver tonic significantly improved water holding capacity (WHC) (0.4 sq.cm) as compared to control (0.2 sq.cm). WHC is having direct bearing on the colour and tenderness of meat, is among the most important functional properties of raw meat. WHC of meat samples refers to water binding potential (WBP) that represents the maximum amount of water that muscle proteins can retain (Jauregui et al. 1981). Increase in the water content of muscles, enhancing tenderness, juiciness, firmness, and appearance, improve the quality and economical value of meat. With the supplementation of LivoLiv 250, there is significant increase in the WHC content of meat that can be correlated to improved tenderness, juiciness, firmness, and appearance of chicken of treated birds. Cooking loss was also significantly reduced in Livoliv supplemented group (30%) vs. control  (32%).

    Based on the results, it was concluded that broiler feed supplemented with LivoLiv 250 had higher performance and carcass characteristics than control. Better meat quality attributes can be correlated to the influence of active principles present in herbal liver tonic Livoliv 250. It is evident on basis of trial results that more lean meat production is possible with herbal liver tonic supplementation to broiler feed.




    In conclusion it can be argued that improvement of broiler chicken meat quality is dependent on multiple factors, thus a very complex process. Feeding birds with phytogenic supplements LivoLiv 250 is a validated strategy to develop designer value added lean meat and thus making broiler meat production even more economical and beneficial for human health. The trial findings validate efficacy of Livoliv 250 to improve physico-chemical attributes, meat textural sensory and lean meat quality of chicken. Dietary supplementation of herbal liver tonic LivoLiv 250 (M/S Indian Herbs Specialities) positively influenced growth performance and had noticeable impact on meat quality attributes of chicken. Nevertheless, our results suggest that Livoliv 250 supplementation could be an effective strategy for poultry producers as a possible alternative to antibiotics, since Livoliv 250 is a natural non-antibiotic growth promoter, completely resistance and residue free, highly stable at pelleting temperature and well proven for its added advantage and benefit of improving meat quality traits in poultry broiler. 



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