• AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree
  • AmmoFree


For mitigating ammonia toxicity

Ammonia is a gas of great concern in aquaculture. Gaseous ammonia is primarily released from the gills of Fish, Prawns and Shrimps as a metabolic waste from protein breakdown. Disease susceptibility also increases in fishes exposed to chronic ammonia intoxication. Since aquatic animals perform all their bodily functions in water, good water quality in aquaculture system should essentially be maintained, particularly in reference to ammonia concentration.

The natural product Ammo Free containing steroidal saponins and other active compounds has inherent ability to absorb ammonia that helps to reduce ammonia levels and other noxious compounds which leads to an increase in dissolved oxygen concentration with reduction in BOD and COD levels. Surfactant action of steroidal saponin compounds helps in the bacterial nutrient utilization that digest the waste materials in the pond bottom.


500 GM

1 Kg

Supplementation Regimen

1-2 g per kg feed

Mix the recommended quantity of Ammo
Free with feed along with binders and shade dry for 30 min before broadcasting.

To be given regularly or as
advised by the aqua consultant


500 g per hectare

It should be mixed with zeolite
or sand and sprinkled evenly on pond surface.


For prevention of ammonia intoxication In chronic exposure to toxic ammonia levels
For restoring appetite and recovery from ammonia exposure
For maintaining healthy pond ecosystem Since aquatic animals perform all bodily functions in water, good water quality in aquaculture system should be maintained, particularly in reference to ammonia concentration

Positive effects of

Biocholine powder

We determined whether the dietary supplementation with a commercial product (vegetable biocholine - VB) for Lacaune ewes at peak lactation would improve animal health and production as well as milk quality. We also determined the effects of VB as a feed additive.

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