200 ML
Supplementation Regimen
Dogs and Bitches : 5 ml
Cats, Pups and Small Dogs : 5 ml
To be given orally, twice daily OR AS REQUIRED
To optimize general immunity and avoid recurrence of infections.
For optimum vaccination response for longer staying and higher antibody titre
To help faster restoration of platelet and lymphocytes counts during low immunity.
As a supportive during infections and after surgeries
To help modulate immunity during the prolonged use of corticosteroids
To help smooth passage of optimum maternal immunity to new born through colostrum rich in immunoglobulins.
Product Directory
Poultry: Biocholine (Domestic & Export) | Herbal C | Animunin | E Sel Power | Zeecox
Pets: AptiMore
Dairy: Himalayan Batisa | Neblon