240 ML
500 ML
1 L
5 L
100 ML
Supplementation Regimen
Cattle & Buffalo : 30 ml/day
Heifers : 15 ml/day
Calf, Sheep & goat : 10 ml/day
Or @ 7 ml/100 Kg body weight
For optimal liver function and glucose synthesis
To help to reduce ketosis
For optimal liver function, digestion and metabolism
To protect liver against the damaging effects of mycotoxins, feed contaminants, anthelmintics, antibiotics and other chemical drugs
Regular in healthy animals
Product Directory
Poultry: Biocholine (Domestic & Export) | Herbal C | Animunin | E Sel Power | Zeecox
Pets: AptiMore
Dairy: Himalayan Batisa | Neblon