• Betamethione
  • Betamethione
  • Betamethione
  • Betamethione
  • Betamethione
  • Betamethione
  • Betamethione
  • Betamethione
  • Betamethione
  • Betamethione
  • Betamethione
  • Betamethione


For combined benefits of methionine and betaine

BETAMETHIONE is a natural composite formulation that contains bioactive natural methionine derived from methionine rich and methionine synthesizing natural plants alongwith betaine, folic acid and organic sulfur complex.

Natural Methionine

Natural methionine in free as well conjugated dipeptides and oligopeptides form incorporates nearly two times more into different tissues of poultry birds and excretes approximately five times less as compared to synthetic dl-methionine, providing sustained bioactivity.

Natural precursors and intermediates of methionine present in BetaMethione facilitate optimum biosynthesis of methionine.


Betaine exerts about four times the transmethylation activity than dl-methionine. Thus 100g betaine can replace 400g of dl-methionine for transmethylation reaction which helps to spare costly dietary and supplemental methionine to be more efficiently utilized for protein accretion, growth and immune competence etc.

Besides methyl donation, betaine optimizes digestibility of protein and fat, improves carcass quality, acts as osmolyte to maintain water and electrolyte balance, reduces heat stress, coccidial lesions and litter moisture

Organic Sulfur

Sulfur in organic complex form optimises biosynthesis of methionine from its precursors, as it is an important component of methionine.

Folic Acid

Folic acid helps in one-carbon transfer reactions and thus spares methionine for protein synthesis and also helps in recycling of methionine from homocysteine.

All the above components of BETAMETHIONE together help regular and optimum biosynthesis and availability of methionine, facilitate more efficient transmethylation reactions, optimize protein synthesis, energy metabolism & carcass quality, maintaining a balance in the metabolic pool of methionine and methyl donors.

By replacing synthetic dl-methionine in the diet, BETAMETHIONE helps to reduce feed cost, whilst maintaining performance of birds at optimum levels.


25 KG


BETAMETHIONE can be used in place of same quantity of synthetic dl-methionine in poultry ration facilitating higher profits and optimum production performance


BETAMETHIONE can be used in place of same quantity of synthetic dl-methionine in poultry ration facilitating higher profits and optimum production performance

Positive effects of

Biocholine powder

We determined whether the dietary supplementation with a commercial product (vegetable biocholine - VB) for Lacaune ewes at peak lactation would improve animal health and production as well as milk quality. We also determined the effects of VB as a feed additive.

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