• HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus
  • HerboMethione Plus

HerboMethione Plus

Natural bioavailability enhancer of methionine

Herbomethione Plus is a unique herbal feed supplement, which contains methionine in a natural and bioactive form as a readily digestible composition as conjugated dipeptides and oligopeptides, other methionine conjugates as well as SAM. It is unique that methionine is naturally accompanied with methyl synthase and Methionine Adenosyl Transferase (MAT) enzymes which help in conversion of methionine to S- adenosyl methionine (SAM), the active methionine. Conjugation confers receptor affinity and targeted action along with higher bioavailability. Herbomethione Plus also contains serine in natural form which contributes to in-vivo synthesis of methionine due to its beta-carbon. This helps in maintaining a balance in the metabolic pool of methionine and for its optimum bioavailability. Herbomethione Plus can be beneficially used in 50:50 ratio in combination with dl- methionine for optimum availability, recycling and utilization of methionine from both sources of supplemental methionine as well as feed ingredients with added advantage of low cost feed formulation. Supplementation of Herbomethione Plus alongwith synthetic dl-methionine helps to maintain optimum production performance i.e. body weight gain, FCR, protein and energy utilization in poultry and farm animals, cost effectively. The use of appropriate supplemental methionine sources can significantly reduce nitrogen excretion from animal production. Usage of synthetic DL Methionine is contributing to environment pollution. The production of herbal supplements does not cause environmental pollution and does not involve energy-intensive processes. Usage of HerboMethione Plus helps to reduce nitrogen excretion and minimize the contribution to environmental pollution.


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25 Kg


Herbomethione Plus is recommended in 50:50 ratio combination with synthetic dl-
methionine for sustained and optimum availability of methionine and for achieving cost


To more efficiently meet supplemental needs of methionine in combination with dl-
methionine by facilitating optimum availability, recycling and utilization of methionine
from both sources of supplemental methionine as well as feed ingredients, with added
advantage of low cost feed formulation.

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