Choline is essential nutrient for poultry birds. It is needed for phospholipid synthesis, cell membrane integrity, lipid transfer and for methylation of homocysteine to methionine. Choline deficiency in poultry birds leads to hepatic fat infiltration and fatty liver. Supplementing choline have beneficial effect on fat metabolism and overall production and performance of birds. Supplementing choline in synthetic form as choline chloride presents a low bioavailability, trimethylamine (TMA) formation, high hygroscopicity causing operational problems in feed production due to oxidative loss of water soluble vitamins.
Indian Herbs is the originator of concept of natural Choline. BioCholine is original research product of Indian Herbs. BioCholine is a unique herbal poultry feed supplement that contains natural, stable and highly bioavailable choline in conjugated form. BioCholine is non-hygroscopic, highly stable in vitamin premix, heat stable and negligible quantity of choline gets converted to trimethylamine. BioCholine contains readily bioavailable source of phosphatidylcholine. Since phosphatidylcholine is readily and highly bioavailable through BioCholine, it does not need any intermediate steps and is available for VLDL formation as well PPAR receptor activation thereby regulating hepatic lipid pathways. The natural choline conjugates present in BioCholine enter into the biological system and release highly labile methyl groups into the site of action. The labile methyl groups of BioCholine help in energy metabolization and to control FLS. Unlike synthetic choline chloride, natural choline conjugates of BioCholine promotes hepatic expression of the genes that are key allosteric effectors of heaptic fat and energy metabolism .
BioCholine is a global brand having legacy of global presence for 15+ years in 50+ countries worldwide across 7 continents.
Comparative advantages over synthetic choline chloride
Efficiently absorbed due to organic conjugated form.
Negligible quantity of choline gets converted into TMA from esterified Choline of BioCholine .
Non-Hygroscopic- safe for vitamins, minerals and pigments.
Non-corrosive- safe for premix/feed mill equipments
Doesn’t cause discoloration, premix remains free flowing and clump free. Mixeability isn’t at all impaired.
Direct action: no intermediate steps
Higher (3 times) peak levels are achieved and they persist for 3 times longer duration
Lower inclusion rate and less cost- better margin for premix/ feed manufacturer and lower transport and storage cost.
Phosphatidyl choline present in BioCholine helps in regeneration of methionine from homocysteine for recycling of dietary and supplemental methionine in the energy cycle.
Lower inclusion rate, allows cost and space optimization