• Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa
  • Everest Batisa

Everest Batisa

Digestive stimulant and tonic

A time tested & trusted, poly- herbal preparations for improving digestion, animal health and productivity 


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100 GM

500 GM

Supplementation Regimen

Cow, buffalo, and horse: 50 g/day
Calf, colt, heifer, and pig: 25 g/day
Sheep and g/dayoat: 20 g/day

Camel and other large animals: 100 g/day
Feed mixing rate: 5 kg/Ton of concentrated feed


To overcome digestive disorder like anorexia, dyspepsia etc.
As digestive tonic during general debility
Less feed intake due to change in feed, change in weather and stress conditions like transportation stress etc. As an adjuvant therapy along with antibiotics, antibacterial, anthemintics etc.
To maintain normal appetite and digestion during late gestation, early lactation and peak milk production
As management practice to maintain appetite, digestion and milk production at optimum level

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