• Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder
  • Replanta Powder

Replanta Powder


Retention of placenta is the most common malady and undesirable sequelae of parturition in livestock particularly in buffaloes and cows. Normally the foetal membranes are expelled within 3 to 8 hours after birth of the calf but owing to intricate cotyledonary attachments these are often retained for long periods, finally under going decomposition and putrefaction. Hasty manual removal is not desirable because at times there may be transmission of dreadful zoonotic diseases like brucellosis (undulant fever in man). The cotyledonary type of membrane attachments do not yield to ergot or oestrogen therapy.

The uterine stimulant REPLANTA by virtue of its ecbolic activity, expels placenta completely and safely and regulates lochial discharge thus avoiding the possibility of puerperal fever, endometritis, metritis and pyometra. REPLANTA can be prophylactically used when given immediately after calving. Even when retained placenta is removed manually, administration of REPLANTA is recommended for complete expulsion of leftover placenta and more importantly for timely involution of uterus. REPLANTA also supplements the action of antibiotic therapy and improves breeding efficiency.

For timely expulsion of placenta and involution of uterus


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100 GM

200 GM

500 GM

Supplementation Regimen

Cow and buffalo: 50-60 g, Sheep and goat: 15-20 g, To be given double dose on 1st day and repeat single dose twice daily for next 4 days


•Retention of Placenta

•As an aid to manual removal of Placenta

•Atony of Uterus and Delayed involution of Uterus

•As supportive therapy in uterine infection

•For Preventive use- Immediately after Calving

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